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Renewing Individual Membership

Returning members may renew for the current season by simply signing in. Once signed in, you will be presented with our secure financial transaction page, hosted through Verisign and Pay Pal. If you are unsure whether your registration is current, log-in and visit your profile page by clicking the MyNAGVA link. If you need to renew, a pink text box will display a link to the payment screen. Be sure that your billing address saved in your NAGVA Profile matches the billing address for the card you are going to use for payment - failure to do so will result in PayPal voiding your transaction, or attempting to pull the money from your account more than once before it settles/voids/returns the money to your account. You will receive a confirmation email when the transaction is approved.

Our season begins following Championships in May, and concludes at Championships. Current season (2017 - 2018) annual membership fee is $35 if paid online or $45 if paid on-site at a tournament.

Creating A Team

Team creation/registrations are annual - they do not renew and old team data is not saved on the site. The fee is $40 if paid online, $50 if done in-person at a tournament.To register a team, go to the MyNAGVA link and use the tool labeled Register a New Team for the Current Season. After entering a city name and team name, click the "Register Team" button and you will be taken to the PayPal/Verisign payment screen. You will receive a confirmation email when the transaction is approved.

Email from NAGVA

To be included in future announcements and updates sent via email, please make sure email delivery is enabled in your profile and you have added to your email system address book to prevent spam filtering.