Officials Information

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NAGVA Referee & Scorekeeper Process


All certification exams are available to be taken online. Tournaments are not required to offer clinics, so it will be important that each team ensure that they have both a certified official and scorekeeper before attending the tournament.

Players must take the exam more than ten days from the beginning of their next tournament.

The new process is easy! Here are the steps:

  1. Review the interim Officiating and Scorekeeping URL links provided below: Referee Training:

    Scorer Training:
    (select the scorer videos)

  2. In order to take the Scorekeeping Exam, click on the PENCIL icon below. In order to take the Referee Exam, click on the MEGAPHONE icon below.
  3. If you pass the Scorekeeping Exam, your profile will be immediately updated to reflect that you are a NAGVA certified scorekeeper. Each player will be limited to 3 re-takes. Once you pass the Scorekeeping Exam, you will be eligible to take the Refereeing Exam if desired. If you fail all 3 attempts, you may attempt the exam again after 30 days have passed since your last attempt.
  4. If you pass the Refereeing Exam, you must still be evaluated onsite at the tournament for the second (or practical) part of the certification. Players that need to be evaluated must contact the Tournament Director in order to be evaluated. The tournament will facilitate the evaluation and report the results to NAGVA. Upon passing both the online exam and practical, your profile will be updated with your referee certification information.
  5. Players who are currently USAV Certified Referees will be exempt from the NAGVA Referee and Scorekeeping requirements as long as he/she contacts the VP of Officials using the form below. You must provide the following information: Full Name, Region, Current Ranking and Region Chair Name.

Please send any questions to the NAGVA VP of Officials using the form at the bottom of this page.


NAGVA Scorekeeper & Referee Exams

You must be logged in to access the exams.

Contact VP of Officials

Do you have questions about the certification process or USAV rules? Fill out the form below to contact our VP of Officials. Thank you!

Questions and Feedback

As always, we welcome your feedback and are happy to answer any questions you have regarding the information on this page, or any officiating related concern. As questions are posed, we will post them in a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section on this page. All inquiries should be sent to our VP of Officials - Kent Hansen ( Thank you!

USAV Rules - which edition?

NAGVA has adopted the 2013-2015 USAV Rules. A full set of these rules can be found here.